Strengthening Help-Seeking in the A&P Lab

This is the second webinar in our A&P webinar series in partnership with HAPS: Bringing A&P to Life in Learning.
We briefly examine the research about academic help-seeking and dive in to several practical, manageable ways to embed help-seeking supports in the A&P lab. The approaches are designed to help you promote your students’ self-regulated learning through lab resources you probably already use in your classes.
Learn more about “Anatomy & Physiology 1e” written by Dr. Liz Co:
We briefly examine the research about academic help-seeking and dive in to several practical, manageable ways to embed help-seeking supports in the A&P lab. The approaches are designed to help you promote your students’ self-regulated learning through lab resources you probably already use in your classes.
Learn more about “Anatomy & Physiology 1e” written by Dr. Liz Co: