WebAssign/Brightspace by Desire2Learn: Creating a New WebAssign Course from Brightspace by D2L

Get step-by-step instructions on how to create a new integrated WebAssign course from your Brightspace course.
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: This option is ideal for instructors setting up a single course for the first time. If you already have your WebAssign course created or plan to copy an existing course, please watch the video WebAssign/Brightspace: Linking to or Copying an Existing WebAssign course: https://play.vidyard.com/V3WoZ62jNUowiY4qmmttSJ
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: This option is ideal for instructors setting up a single course for the first time. If you already have your WebAssign course created or plan to copy an existing course, please watch the video WebAssign/Brightspace: Linking to or Copying an Existing WebAssign course: https://play.vidyard.com/V3WoZ62jNUowiY4qmmttSJ